Results for 'Tomás Baviera Puig'

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    Aquello no fue un congreso.Tomás Baviera Puig - 2011 - The Chesterton Review En Español 5 (1):206-209.
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    The ‘Logic of Gift’: Inspiring Behavior in Organizations Beyond the Limits of Duty and Exchange.Tomás Baviera, William English & Manuel Guillén - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (2):159-180.
    ABSTRACT:Giving without the expectation of reward is difficult to understand in organizational contexts. In opposition to a logic based on self-interest or a sense of duty, a “logic of gift” has been proposed as a way to understand the phenomenon of free, unconditional giving. However, the rationale behind, and effects of, this logic have been under-explored. This paper responds by first clarifying the three logics of action—the logic of exchange, the logic of duty, and the logic of gift—and then explains (...)
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    Historia, filosofía y ciencia medievales (siglo XIV) según El nombre de la rosa, de Umberto Eco.José C. Illana Rubio & Yolanda Illana Ruiz - 2018 - Clío: History and History Teaching 44:300-315.
    En los primeros años del siglo XIV se planteó la polémica entre los franciscanos “espirituales” y el papa Juan XXII. El emperador alemán Luis de Baviera intervino en la confrontación a favor de los franciscanos y en contra del Papa. En la novela El nombre de la Rosa de Umberto Eco, se escenifica el conflicto entre el Franciscano Guillermo, que representa a Guillermo de Ockham y el inquisidor dominico Bernardo de Guí. En sus páginas se cita la filosofía de (...)
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  4. Evaluating Arguments for the Sex/Gender Distinction.Tomas Bogardus - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (3):873-892.
    Many philosophers believe that our ordinary English words man and woman are “gender terms,” and gender is distinct from biological sex. That is, they believe womanhood and manhood are not defined even partly by biological sex. This sex/gender distinction is one of the most influential ideas of the twentieth century on the broader culture, both popular and academic. Less well known are the reasons to think it’s true. My interest in this paper is to show that, upon investigation, the arguments (...)
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  5. Some Internal Problems with Revisionary Gender Concepts.Tomas Bogardus - 2019 - Philosophia 48 (1):55-75.
    Feminism has long grappled with its own demarcation problem—exactly what is it to be a woman?—and the rise of trans-inclusive feminism has made this problem more urgent. I will first consider Sally Haslanger’s “social and hierarchical” account of woman, resulting from “Ameliorative Inquiry”: she balances ordinary use of the term against the instrumental value of novel definitions in advancing the cause of feminism. Then, I will turn to Katharine Jenkins’ charge that Haslanger’s view suffers from an “Inclusion Problem”: it fails (...)
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  6. The Problem of Contingency for Religious Belief.Tomas Bogardus - 2013 - Faith and Philosophy 30 (4):371-392.
    In this paper, I hope to solve a problem that’s as old as the hills: the problem of contingency for religious belief. Paradigmatic examples of this argument begin with a counterfactual premise: had we been born at a different time or in a difference place, we easily could have held different beliefs on religious topics. Ultimately, and perhaps by additional steps, we’re meant to reach the skeptical conclusion that very many of our religious beliefs do not amount to knowledge. I (...)
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    Self-Perception and the Relation to Actual Driving Abilities for Individuals With Visual Field Loss.Jan Andersson, Tomas Bro & Timo Lajunen - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundIn Sweden, individuals with visual field loss have their driving license withdrawn. The literature clearly indicates that individuals with VFL are unsafe drivers on a group level. However, many drivers with VFL can be safe on an individual level. The literature also suggests that self-perception, beliefs, and insights of one’s own capabilities are related to driving performance. This study had three aims: To investigate self-perceived driving capability ratings for individuals with VFL; to compare these ratings between groups with different medical (...)
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  8. Jaké to je, nebo o čem to je? Místo vědomí v materiálním světě.Tomas Hribek - 2017 - Praha, Česko: Filosofia.
    [What It’s Like, or What It’s About? The Place of Consciousness in the Material World] Summary: The book is both a survey of the contemporary debate and a defense of a distinctive position. Most philosophers nowadays assume that the focus of the philosophy of consciousness, its shared explanandum, is a certain property of experience variously called “phenomenal character,” “qualitative character,” “qualia” or “phenomenology,” understood in terms of what it is like to undergo the experience in question. Consciousness as defined in (...)
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    Molecular Tumor Boards: Ethical Issues in the New Era of Data Medicine.Christian Hervé, Guillaume Vogt, Pierre Laurent-Puig, Christophe Tourneau, Charles-Henry Frouart, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel & Henri-Corto Stoeklé - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):307-322.
    The practice and development of modern medicine requires large amounts of data, particularly in the domain of cancer. The future of personalized medicine lies neither with “genomic medicine” nor with “precision medicine”, but with “data medicine”. The establishment of this DM has required far-reaching changes, to establish four essential elements connecting patients and doctors: biobanks, databases, bioinformatic platforms and genomic platforms. The “transformation” of scientific research areas, such as genetics, bioinformatics and biostatistics, into clinical specialties has generated a new vision (...)
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    Molecular Tumor Boards: Ethical Issues in the New Era of Data Medicine.Henri-Corto Stoeklé, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel, Charles-Henry Frouart, Christophe Le Tourneau, Pierre Laurent-Puig, Guillaume Vogt & Christian Hervé - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):307-322.
    The practice and development of modern medicine requires large amounts of data, particularly in the domain of cancer. The future of personalized medicine lies neither with “genomic medicine” nor with “precision medicine”, but with “data medicine”. The establishment of this DM has required far-reaching changes, to establish four essential elements connecting patients and doctors: biobanks, databases, bioinformatic platforms and genomic platforms. The “transformation” of scientific research areas, such as genetics, bioinformatics and biostatistics, into clinical specialties has generated a new vision (...)
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  11. Metafyzika antiindividualismu.Tomas Hribek - 2008 - Praha, Česko: Filosofia.
    [The Metaphysics of Anti-Individualism] A detailed exploration of the implications of psychological externalism -- in particular Tyler Burge's variety, or what he calls "anti-individualism" -- for the mind-body problem. Based on his anti-individualism, Burge famously rejected materialism, but the ramifications of this argument were not properly examined. I show how he rejects the identity, supervenience, and realization forms of materialism, but that he leaves out the possibility of constitution. In fact, this is not the only option that he admits -- (...)
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    La psicología folk: Teorías, prácticas y perspectivas.Tomás Balmaceda - 2011 - Análisis Filosófico 31 (1):105-107.
    Gregorio Klimovsky argumentó en contra de los análisis sintacticistas de la noción de lenguaje. En este trabajo se examinan sus argumentos, destacando su vínculo con las discusiones recientes sobre universalidad expresiva, y se plantean algunas réplicas atendibles. Luego se adopta un enfoque general de la cuestión que resulta incompatible con el sintacticismo estricto pero que permite una reformulación aceptable, vinculada con una idea minimalista sobre el alcance de la teoría semántica. Gregorio Klimovsky argued against syntactical analyses of the notion of (...)
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    Acción, hecho y sucesso.Tomás Barrero - 2012 - Manuscrito 35 (2):207-231.
    In this paper I asses Davidson’s analysis of action sentences stressing its quantificational structure and its views on prepositions and adverbial modification. Three arguments inspired by Grice’s ideas are deployed against it. First, I point to weird consequences of taking prepositions as defining predicates; second, I show some obstacles for Davidson’s view on adverbs; finally, I raise some doubts about his putative analysis of “negative actions”. From these, I hope that connections among actions, facts and events should be reconsidered in (...)
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  14. San Maximiliano María Kolbe: Un hombre reconciliado y reconciliador en los campos de exterminio.Tomás Gálvez Campos - 1986 - Verdad y Vida 44 (174):283-290.
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  15. Hieroglyfické písmo.Tomáš Dvořák - 2017 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 39 (1):83-107.
    Studie komentuje a kriticky rozvádí Ginzburgovu koncepci indexického paradigmatu ve vědách o člověku. Zasazuje metodu čtení vedlejších detailů coby indikátorů nějaké přímo nepřístupné skutečnosti do historického, kulturního a zejm. technického kontextu na příkladech proměn lékařské diagnostiky či znalectví umění. Sleduje souvislosti mezi vývojem gramotnosti, písmových forem a grafologických postupů v 19. století a nástup technických forem zápisu, který vnesl do řady oborů nové postupy interpretace a analýzy a zproblematizoval tradiční hranice mezi přírodními, sociálními a humanitními vědami.
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    Using Game Description Language for mediated dispute resolution.Dave de Jonge, Tomas Trescak, Carles Sierra, Simeon Simoff & Ramon López de Mántaras - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (4):767-784.
    Mediation is a process in which two parties agree to resolve their dispute by negotiating over alternative solutions presented by a mediator. In order to construct such solutions, the mediator brings more information and knowledge, and, if possible, resources to the negotiation table. In order to do so, the mediator faces the challenge of determining which information is relevant to the current problem, given a vast database of knowledge. The contribution of this paper is the automated mediation machinery to resolve (...)
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  17. Empirismus, naturalismus a ideje.Tomas Hribek - 2017 - Filosoficky Casopis 2 (65):297-315.
    [Empiricism, Naturalism, and Ideas] The author analyses the modern reception of key themes in Hume’s philosophy during the past century. The first part presents Hume’s version of three such themes – empi­ricism, naturalism and the theory of ideas. The following three parts give an exposition of modern forms of each of these themes, with the choice of modern reception being directed to those contemporary authors who not only developed Hume’s motifs in the most original way, but who also explicitly traced (...)
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    Montaigne y Burckhardt como fuentes de la doctrina reaccionaria en los Escolios de Nicolás Gómez Dávila.Tomás Molina - 2019 - Escritos 27 (58):49-69.
    Muchos de los comentaristas de Gómez Dávila han notado que el carácter de su obra es intertextual, es decir, que no es un sistema cerrado: siempre está conectado implíci-tamente con otros libros y pensadores. El mismo Gómez Dávila nos indica en sus Escolios que Montaigne y Burckhardt tienen un rol central en esta intertextualidad. De tal manera, el siguiente artículo se propone interpretar la conexión entre los dos pen-sadores anteriores y la obra del colombiano. En el caso de Burckhardt, se (...)
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  19. Filip Tvrdý o naturalizaci filosofie.Tomáš Hříbek - 2017 - Filosofie Dnes 9 (1):71-79.
    [Filip Tvrdý on Naturalizing Philosophy] The paper distinguishes several versions of contemporary naturalism: revisionary, constructive, and non-representational. Revisionary naturalism pleads substituting the traditional philosophical inquiry into the nature of things by a genetic inquiry into the origin of our – often faulty – beliefs about the nature of things. Constructive naturalism accepts the program of traditional philosophy, yet hoping that its questions could be answered by broadly scientific methods. Non-representational naturalism is an extension of metaethical expressivism, claiming that philosophical claims (...)
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  20. The incongruity of incongruity theories of humor.Tomáš Kulka - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (3):320-333.
    The article critically reviews the Incongruity Theory of Humor reaching the conclusion that it has to be essentially restructured. Leaving aside the question of scope, it is shown that the theory is inadequate even for those cases for which it is thought to be especially well suited – that it cannot account either for the pleasurable effect of jokes or for aesthetic pleasure. I argue that it is the resolution of the incongruity rather than its mere apprehension, which is that (...)
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  21. Pojem animální mysli.Tomas Hribek - 2016 - In Hana Müllerová, David Cerny & Adam Doležal (eds.), Kapitoly o právech zvířat. pp. 235-306.
    [The Concept of Animal Mind] A critical analysis and assessment of the current philosophical theories of animal cognition and consciousness. The contents: 1. The concept of mind; 2. Other minds; 3. Can animals think?; 4. Do animals have concsiousness?; 5. Conclusion.
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  22. O vědomí, náboženství a svobodě vůle.Tomas Hribek & James Hill - 2018 - Filosoficky Casopis 66 (2):171-183.
    [On Consciousness, Religion, and Freedom of the Will] An interview with Daniel Dennett on consciousness, religion and free will.
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  23. Ještě o etice eutanazie: odpovědi kritikům.Tomas Hribek - 2011 - Filosoficky Casopis 59 (6):911-931.
    [On the Ethics of Euthanasia Again: A Reply to Critics] The article is a reply to three critics of a previous piece on the ethics of euthanasia in which I defended physician-assisted suicide. According to Ingrid Strobachová it is necessary to give a greater attention to the significance of pain, which, she claims, may benefit from a phenomenological description. According to Marta Vlasáková my argument is not valid because two principles on which it is founded – i.e. the conception of (...)
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  24. Adaptationism, Deflationism, and Anti-Individualism.Tomas Hribek - 2011 - In Tomas Hribek & Juraj Hvorecky (eds.), Knowledge, Value, Evolution. Londýn, Velká Británie: College Publications. pp. 167-187.
    An examination of the externalist theories of Tyler Burge, Daniel Dennett and Ruth Millikan.
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  25. (1 other version)The Paradox of Moralistic Fallacy: A Case against the Dangerous Knowledge.Tomáš Ondráček - 2018 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 40 (2):157-190.
    In this article, the concept of moralistic fallacy introduced by B. D. Davis is elaborated on in more detail. The main features of this fallacy are discussed, and its general form is presented. The moralistic fallacy might have some undesirable outcomes. Some of them might even be in direct conflict to the original moral position. If this occurs, it is possible to characterize it as a paradox of moralistic fallacy. The possibility of this paradox provides a further reason not to (...)
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  26. Scientific Instruments and Epistemology Engines.Tomáš Dvořák - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (4):529-540.
    This article outlines the gradually changing attitude towards instruments and materials in the philosophy and historiography of science and confronts contemporary revaluations of the material culture of science with Hans-Jörg Rhein- berger's concept of an experimental system and Don Ihde's notion of an epistemology engine.
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  27. Diskuse o evoluci mezi neo-lamarckismem a neo-darwinismem v českých zemích.Tomáš Hermann & Michal Šimůnek - 2010 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 32 (3):283-300.
    Studie se zabývá tím, jak se v českých zemích obráželo bouřlivé období vývoje biologického myšlení od přelomu 19. a 20. století do první světové války, kdy vedle sebe existovaly velmi různé názory na evoluci. Mnohovrstevnatost teoretickou přitom doplňuje i kulturní a vědecká mnohovrstevnatost českých zemí, kde se jednak mísí vlivy německé a české biologie na svých autonomních institucích, a jednak lze spatřovat rozdíly i mezi lokálními centry Prahou a Brnem se svými badatelskými tradicemi a nezávislými vazbami na další centra ve (...)
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  28. Philosophical Toys Today.Tomáš Dvořák - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (2):173-196.
    The article introduces a thematic issue of the journal Theory of Science that attempts to revive the category of "philosophi- cal toys" - objects and instruments designed for experimental scientific research that simultaneously played crucial role in the creation of the modern visual culture. It claims that to fully understand their nature and the kind of experience philosophical toys induce, it is necessary to situate their origins in eighteenth-century experimental science and aesthetics and proposes to approach them as perceptual and (...)
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  29. Trojrozměrné písmo.Tomáš Dvořák - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (3):313-326.
    Recenzní studie věnovaná knize Markuse Krajewskiho Paper Machines: About Cards & Catalogues, 1548-1929 mapuje konceptuální dějiny kartotéky s důrazem na transformaci knihovnických katalogů z podoby vázané, tištěné knihy do formy standardizovaných a mobilních kartotéčních lístků. Soustředí se především na vliv materiálních podmínek produkce vědeckých textů na povahu vědění a jeho klasifikace - v tomto směru také analyzuje kartotéční systém Niklase Luhmanna coby trojrozměrné písmo, jímž je psána jeho teorie sociálních systémů.
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  30. Morálka, věda a morální věda.Tomáš Marvan - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (3):481-497.
    Studie recenzuje díla: Sam HARRIS, The Moral Landscape a Patricia Smith CHURCHLAND, Braintrust. Cílem recenzní stati je vyzdvihnout hlubokou shodu v naturalistickém pojetí etiky u obou autorů a upozornit na některé nedostatky jejich argumentace.
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  31. Heideggerovo pojetí fakticity řeči jako původu klamu.Tomáš Holeček - 2010 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 32 (1):7-17.
    The article presents Martin Heidegger’s early conception of foundational questions of logic and science. It focuses on their treatment in the Introduction to Phenomenological Research. Presenting the conception of phenomenon, perception, language/speech, noun and verb, proposition and deceit, the article shows the fundamental idea of facticity of speaking as the ground of these questions. It uses ideas of existence, fact and time to a-chieve the result. The impact on the most famous early book by Martin Heidegger is also considered.
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  32. Darwinismus a formy kreacionismu.Tomas Hribek - 2011 - In Vladimir Havlik & Tomas Hribek (eds.), Z evolučního hlediska: Pojem evoluce v současné filosofii. Praha, Česko: Filosofia. pp. 21-73.
    [Darwinism and the Forms of Creationism].
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  33. Minimum Dwellings: Otto Neurath and Karel Teige on Architecture.Tomas Hribek - 2020 - In Radek Schuster (ed.), The Vienna Circle in Czechoslovakia. Springer. pp. 111-134.
    While the Vienna Circle had virtually no impact on the Czech-speaking philosophical community during the 1930s, one can find a curious meeting point in the field of theory of architecture. There is now a growing literature on Otto Neurath as a theorist of architecture and urbanism, who emphasized the social aspects of modern building and approached architecture from his idiosyncratic viewpoint of Marxism interpreted as a physicalistic social science. It is less well known that a young Czech architecture critic and (...)
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    Acción y construcción lógica.Tomás Barrero - 2013 - Critica 45 (133):3-26.
    By considering Davidson’s analysis of prepositions as defining individual events predicates, I argue against his semantics for action sentences and stress some logico-linguistic puzzles concerning both the interpretive pretension and the referential indifference of this proposal. Inspired by Evans as well as by Grice, I advance another interpretive semantics for those cases which does not take as assumption the individual character of events and argue for a constructivist approach to events in action discourse.
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    Zielinski y el suspenso homérico.Tomás Fernández - 2023 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 27 (1):113-130.
    Este artículo intentará explicar por qué, en un sistema narrativo como el homérico, donde no predominan los segundos planos ni los detrás de escenas, no existe un suspenso ligado a la incertidumbre sobre un desenlace; ligará este fenómeno a la llamada “ley de Zielinski” (I). Inspeccionará tentativas recientes de encontrar baches de suspenso en Homero (II). Finalmente, propondrá una explicación alternativa para el suspenso, que se centra en la empatía por un personaje y la inmersión en el mundo narrativo (III).
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    Congratulatory Message from His Eminence Archbishop Thomas E. Gallicons, Apostolic Nuncio.Tomas E. Gallikson - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:19.
    Greeting words of Thomas Gullickson, the Archbishop and Apostolic Nuncio in Ukraine.
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    Model Theory Methods for Topological Groups.Tomás Ibarlucía - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (4):455-456.
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    Theology as Wisdom.Tomáš Machula - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (2):211-225.
    One of the frequently commented-upon texts of Aquinas was and still is the first question of Summa theologiae. It is usually the question of whether theology is scientific knowledge that attracts the attention of readers or commentators. This study, however, deals with the question from the sixth article, regarding whether theology is wisdom. It investigates the commentaries of famous authors of Second Scholasticism, who comment on and explain this text of Aquinas. Although this question does not appear to be very (...)
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    Homero „matomas ir apčiuopiamas žmogus“: ką svarbaus praleido Rorty?Tomas Saulius - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 100.
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    Quantum Theory Methods as a Possible Alternative for the Double-Blind Gold Standard of Evidence-Based Medicine: Outlining a New Research Program.Tomas Veloz, Rembrandt Sprundel, Sandro Sozzo, Massimiliano Bianchi, Suzette Geriente, Lester Beltran & Diederik Aerts - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (2):217-225.
    We motivate the possibility of using notions and methods derived from quantum physics, and more specifically from the research field known as ‘quantum cognition’, to optimally model different situations in the field of medicine, its decision-making processes and ensuing practices, particularly in relation to chronic and rare diseases. This also as a way to devise alternative approaches to the generally adopted double-blind gold standard.
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  41. Tableaux sin refutación.Tomás Barrero & Walter Carnielli - 2005 - Matemáticas: Enseñanza Universitaria 13 (2):81-99.
    Motivated by H. Curry’s well-known objection and by a proposal of L. Henkin, this article introduces the positive tableaux, a form of tableau calculus without refutation based upon the idea of implicational triviality. The completeness of the method is proven, which establishes a new decision procedure for the (classical) positive propositional logic. We also introduce the concept of paratriviality in order to contribute to the question of paradoxes and limitations imposed by the behavior of classical implication.
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    Kant, Hegel, Foucault and Unreason in History: the Philosophical Canon of the History of Madness.Tomás Prado - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (2):197-218.
    Este artigo propõe relacionar as filosofias da história de Kant e de Hegel às bases do pensamento de Foucault, em História da loucura na idade clássica. Buscamos reconhecer, não indícios de uma história cosmopolita ou universal, mas em que medida o pensamento crítico e a filosofia como ciência das essências puras comparecem na inteligibilidade histórica de Foucault. A reunião de uma diversidade de experiências sob o conceito de desatino , fio condutor da obra, sugere uma proximidade com a tradição. Por (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Summa Theologica: Part I, Question I, Articles 1-10.Tomas Akvinsky - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (1):83-99.
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  44. ""As ideas de Darwin na sociedade galega 150 anos despois: está vivo o chamado" darwinismo" social?María Pilar Jiménez Aleixandre & Blanca Puig Mauriz - 2009 - In Francisco Díaz-Fierros Viqueira (ed.), O darwinismo e Galicia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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  45. Lógica positiva : plenitude, potencialidade e problemas (do pensar sem negação).Tomás Barrero - 2004 - Dissertation, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
    This work studies some problems connected to the role of negation in logic, treating the positive fragments of propositional calculus in order to deal with two main questions: the proof of the completeness theorems in systems lacking negation, and the puzzle raised by positive paradoxes like the well-known argument of Haskel Curry. We study the constructive com- pleteness method proposed by Leon Henkin for classical fragments endowed with implication, and advance some reasons explaining what makes difficult to extend this constructive (...)
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  46. Racionalidad y Lenguaje. A propósito de la obra de Paul Grice.Tomás Barrero - 2009 - Dissertation, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
    In this work I argue for the thesis that Grice’s intentional-cooperative analysis of assertion works at three levels: the logical, the epistemological and the normative. I use “conventional implicature” as example. First part shows that other approaches to assertion can’t give an accurate description of semantic content. I point to a general, twofold conclusion: the truth-conditional approach fails by neglecting intentional acts to be the meaning blocks; the rule-oriented approach misses its target by disregarding that all communicative acts are intentional, (...)
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    DEFEZ, Antoni (2011) Assumptes pendents Publicacions de la Universitat de València, PUV.Tomás Valladolid Bueno - 2012 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 48:183.
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    La noción de Physis en los orígenes de la filosofía griega.Tomás Calvo Martínez - 2000 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 21:21-38.
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    La Unidad de la Noción de Фiλia En Aristóteles.Tomás Calvo-martínez - 2007 - Méthexis 20 (1):63-82.
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    'Grammar rule'in later Wittgenstein.Tomas Cana - 2006 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 13 (3):349-360.
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